Redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Redbert introduces the discovery process of monoclonal antibodies

Release time:2021-10-15 14:49      Views:2233

The preparation of monoclonal antibody drugs by lymphocyte hybridoma technology or genetic engineering technology has become an important aspect in the field of biomedicine. With the great role of single cell cloning in clinical and diagnosis, monoclonal antibody technology has become an important part of the current biological research field. Let's introduce the process of discovering monoclonal antibodies by redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

1、 Clone

In 1963, J.B.S. Haldane used the word "cloning" in his speech entitled "the biological possibility of human beings in the next 20000 years". Scientists call the process of artificial gene manipulating animal reproduction "cloning" and Biotechnology "cloning technology". The first period is the period of microbial cloning, the second period is the period of biotechnology cloning, and the third period is the period of animal cloning.

2、 Antibody

In 1890, when German scholar Beilin and Japanese scholar Beili immunized animals with diphtheria exotoxin, they found that the serum of immunized animals could neutralize the exotoxin, that is, antitoxin. In the same year, Behring and Kitasato officially used diphtheria antitoxin to treat diphtheria, creating the first artificial passive immunotherapy. Therefore, lectins, precipitants and other substances that can react with bacteria or cells have been found, which are collectively referred to as antibodies. The substance that can cause antibody production is called antigen, which establishes the concept of antigen and antibody.

In 1975, Danish scholar Jenn established the natural antibody selection theory and the "network" theory of the immune system, thus clarifying the mechanism of antibody production.

3、 Cell fusion

In the 1930s, scientists observed tuberculosis cells, smallpox, chickenpox, measles and other diseases.

In the 1970s, scientists also found multinucleated cells in frog blood cells, but they did not pay enough attention to them because of the limitations of their development.

In 1962, Japanese scientists found that Japanese hemagglutinating virus could lead to the fusion of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.

In 1965, British scientists further proved that the virus inactivated under appropriate conditions could induce animal cell fusion.

4、 Inventor of monoclonal antibody

SESA Milstein is a molecular biologist in Argentina and Britain. Born in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. He graduated from Buenos Aires in 1952 and received his doctorate in 1957. In 1958, she studied biochemistry at Cambridge University with a British parliamentary scholarship, and obtained her second doctorate in 1960.

Georges Koehler was born in Moni, West Germany in 1946 and studied biology at the University of Freiburg, West Germany. Then he went to the Milstein Laboratory of the British Institute of biology for research. From 1976 to 1984, he worked at the Institute of immunology in Basel. Since 1984, he has been engaged in research at the Max Planck Institute of immunology and has been a professor at Freiburg University since 1986. He died of pneumonia in 1995. He is 48 years old. At the age of 38, he was the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.

5、 Follow up effects of monoclonal antibodies

In 1975, Keller and Milstein developed a technology to fuse mouse cells with human cells to produce a cell called hybridoma, and then let mouse cells reproduce naturally to induce the production of a large number of anti infective antibodies. This technology is "one of the most important methodological advances in Biomedical Science in the 1970s". They are studying genetic engineering, which can cure all diseases from cancer to cold. They studied the immune system and "discovered the principle of producing single-cell clonal antibodies", and made great contributions.

Therefore, he won the 1984 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine together with Danish medical scientist Jen.

However, since its invention, clonal antibody has been rapidly used in many fields of medicine because of its unique characteristics. It is mainly used for the purification of laboratory medical diagnostic reagent protein, tumor directed therapy and radioimmunoassay. The beacon has a single cell photoconductive system. By integrating photoelectric positioning technology and microfluidic technology, high-throughput cell biology research based on single cell is realized in the nano upgrade room of the chip, which is of great significance for the discovery of antibodies.

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