Redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd

What are the applications of monoclonal antibodies

Release time:2022-04-13 14:08      Views:1504

As a diagnostic reagent of laboratory medicine, monoclonal antibody has the advantages of strong specificity, high purity and good uniformity. It is easy to handle, good quality and easy to purchase. These advantages make it highly valued as soon as it is listed. It is widely used in lymphoid cell identification, pathogen identification, tumor diagnosis and typing, determination of hormone content in vivo and so on. The recognition of antigen by monoclonal antibody is very different from polyclonal antibody.

1. Ligand as affinity layer

Monoclonal antibodies can specifically bind to the corresponding antigens, so they can recognize a single component from a complex system. As long as a monoclonal antibody against a component is obtained, it is used as a ligand and fixed on the chromatographic column. The specific component can be separated and purified from complex mixtures by affinity chromatography. If anti human chorionic gonadotropin affinity chromatography column is used, pure chorionic gonadotropin can be extracted from pregnant women's urine. Compared with other extraction methods (precipitation method, high performance hydrophobic chromatography, etc.), it has the advantages of simplicity, rapidity, economy and high product activity.

2. As a guiding weapon of biological therapy

Liposome is a continuous double-layer micro skin composed of hydrophilic and lipophilic amphiphilic phospholipids. They contain aqueous phase space and can wrap water-soluble substances. Liposome membrane coated with cytotoxic agent can attack target cells by binding with antibody, which is called immunoliposome. This "guided therapy" has achieved satisfactory results in animal experiments and in vitro experiments. In addition, cytotoxic agents such as chemotherapeutic drugs, bacterial toxins, phytotoxins or radioisotopes can be directly cross-linked with monoclonal antibodies against tumor antigens. Their guiding role can be used to locate the effect of cytotoxic agents on tumor cells and directly kill tumor cells. This not only improves the efficacy of antibodies, but also reduces the toxic reaction of cytotoxic agents to normal cells.

3. As an immunosuppressant

Anti human T lymphocyte monoclonal antibody (McAb), as a new immunosuppressant, has been widely used in clinical treatment of autoimmune diseases and anti organ transplantation rejection. Its mechanism of action depends on the type and immunological characteristics of meab. Injection of monoclonal antibody against mouse Thy-1 antigen can inhibit the rejection of allogeneic skin transplantation in mice. In addition, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation using anti-T cell monoclonal antibody and complement to treat donor bone marrow in vitro can reduce the incidence of graft-versus-host disease.

4. As a probe for research work

Monoclonal antibodies only bind to one epitope on the antigen molecule (i.e. antigen determinant), which can be used as probes for research work. In this way, the relationship between the structure and function of antigenic substances can be studied from different levels of molecules, cells and organs, and its mechanism can be explained theoretically. If fluorescent labeled monoclonal antibodies are used as probes, the location and distribution of corresponding biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, etc.) in cells can be easily determined.

5. Enhance the immunogenicity of antigen

The enhancement of immunogenicity of antibody has a long history. As early as the 1960s, it was found that it was difficult for piglets to produce tetanus toxoid antibodies. Injection of corresponding specific antibody IgG can effectively improve the immune response to Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. Since 1984, Celis and others have found that anti HBV (HBs) IgG can enhance the proliferation of HBs antigen to specific human T cell clones and induce interferon. It was found in mice that when low-dose HBs antigen did not produce immune response, the addition of anti HBS antibody complex could effectively induce immune response. According to this effect, hepatitis B antigen antibody compound therapeutic vaccine has been developed.

6. As a medical test reagent

As a medical detection reagent, monoclonal antibody can give full play to its advantages. The specificity of monoclonal antibody is strong, which greatly improves the specificity of antigen antibody reaction, reduces the possibility of cross reaction with other substances, and makes the detection results more reliable. The homogeneity of monoclonal antibody and the unity of biological activity make the antigen antibody region controlled by the results, which is conducive to standardization and standardization.

The application of monoclonal antibodies in theory and practice has become an important means to solve many major problems in biology and medicine. With the launch of beacon of redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., you can save a lot of screening time and greatly reduce the production cost. The conventional use of hybridoma or phage display technology generally takes 3-6 months, while beacon can obtain specific antibody sequences in only 3 days. Single plasma cells can be directly isolated and detected in 0.5nl system, from which target cells expressing specific antibodies can be screened, and their heavy chain and light chain mRNA can be obtained. After reverse transcription, they can be directly used for sequencing and optimization.

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