Redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Effect of beacon on cell line development

Release time:2021-10-09 14:54      Views:2582

Cell lines are cells that can be subcultured continuously. The primary culture became the first generation cell line, the cell line that could be continuously cultured became the continuous cell line, and the cell line that could not be continuously cultured became the restrictive cell line. Therefore, cells refer to passable cells.

1、 Drug development

1、New drug screening: such as efficacy research of chemical synthetic drugs, screening and identification of effective components of traditional Chinese medicine, etc.

2、vaccine research and development: such as viral vaccine development (hepatitis virus vaccine, AIDS vaccine, etc.), tumor vaccine (peptide vaccine) and so on.

3、Research and development of genetically engineered drugs: such as interferon research and development, cell growth factor research and development, etc.

4、Research and development of cell engineering drugs: research and development of bioactive peptides, research and development of bioactive components such as ginsenoside and paclitaxel.

5、Monoclonal antibody preparation: including diagnostic monoclonal antibody and therapeutic monoclonal antibody.

2、 Basic research

1、Drug action mechanism

2、Gene function

3、Disease pathogenesis

3、 Biopharmaceutical

1、vaccine production: virus vaccine (hepatitis virus vaccine, AIDS vaccine, etc.), tumor vaccine (peptide vaccine) and so on.

2、Production of genetically engineered drugs: such as interferon, granulocyte growth factor, thymosin and other cell growth factors with clinical therapeutic value.

3、Production of diagnostic and medicinal monoclonal antibodies.

4、Cell engineering drug production: some bioactive peptides and bioactive substances in biological cells.


Conventional cloning and screening takes 2-3 months, but beacon of Redbert (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has a single-cell photoconductive system. By integrating photoelectric positioning technology and microfluidic technology, it takes only 5 days, ensures the high yield of cell lines, easily realizes 99.5% monoclonal, and fundamentally reduces the cost, It also has the whole process image recording and perfect report, which can provide strong evidence for subsequent applications. It has automatic operation and variant design, which can greatly reduce the manual operation and system error of traditional equipment conversion, with high accuracy and high cost performance.

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