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Organ chip: a revolutionary technology for future medical and pharmaceutical research and development

Release time:2024-08-09 14:03      Views:278

In the field of biomedical science, every leap in technology means a deeper understanding of diseases and advancements in treatment methods. In recent years, the emergence of on-chip organizational technology is leading an unprecedented revolution. This microfluidic cell culture device constructed through microchip manufacturing methods not only simulates the physiological functions of human organs, but also greatly accelerates the development of new drugs and the construction of disease models. This article will delve into the definition, development history, technical principles, and application prospects of organ chips, in order to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of this cutting-edge technology.

1、Definition and Principle of Organ Chips

Organ chip is a microfluidic cell culture device that combines multiple disciplines such as microfluidics, tissue engineering, microelectronics, stem cells, and detection technology. It can simulate and reconstruct the physiological functions and microenvironment of human organs at the microscale, providing a highly simulated experimental platform for drug development, disease model construction, and more.

The core of organ chips lies in their microfluidic system, which simulates physiological processes such as blood circulation and substance exchange in the human body by precisely controlling the flow and distribution of fluids. The chip contains multiple continuous perfusion chambers connected by microchannels, forming a complex network structure to simulate the interactions between different organs. At the same time, the chip also integrates various sensors and detection components for real-time monitoring of key indicators such as cell activity and changes in metabolic products.

The multi cellular structure, tissue interface, physical and chemical microenvironment, and human vascular circulation design of organ chips enable them to highly simulate real human organs. This design not only improves the accuracy and reliability of the experiment, but also greatly shortens the experimental cycle and reduces the experimental cost.

2、The Development History of Organ Chips

The concept of organ chips can be traced back to the early 21st century. In 2004, Dr. Michael L. Shuler from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Cornell University first proposed the idea of using chips to construct and simulate the microenvironment of human tissue. He believes that through microchip technology, the complex physiological environment of human organs can be simulated in vitro, providing a new platform for drug development and disease research.

In 2010, the Ingber team at Harvard University successfully constructed the world's first lung organ chip and published relevant research results in the journal Science. The chip model is divided into two layers, separated by a biofilm in the middle and composed of lung cells that circulate air in the upper layer; The lower layer is composed of pulmonary capillary cells that circulate in the culture medium. Inducing cell contraction on the membrane through cyclic suction, simulating the respiratory process of human lung cells. This achievement marks an important step for organ chip technology to move from theory to practice.

Since Harvard University introduced lung chips, organ chip technology has developed rapidly. Subsequently, scientists have developed various types of organ chips, such as intestinal chips, liver chips, brain chips, kidney chips, and vascular chips. These chips not only simulate the physiological functions of different organs, but also demonstrate enormous potential in fields such as drug screening and disease model construction.

3、The technological advantages of organ chips

1. High degree simulation: Organ chips simulate the complex physiology and microenvironment of human organs, achieving a high degree of simulation of cell activity, metabolic processes, etc. This simulation makes the experimental results closer to the real situation, improving the accuracy and reliability of the research.

2. Efficiency: Compared with traditional animal experiments and in vitro cell culture methods, organ chips have higher experimental efficiency. Multiple or dozens of drugs can be tested simultaneously at multiple concentrations on organ chips, greatly reducing the experimental cycle and cost.

3. Low cost: The production cost of organ chips is relatively low and can be reused. This makes large-scale drug screening and disease model construction possible, further reducing research costs.

4. Safety: Organ chips use human cells or stem cells as experimental materials, avoiding ethical issues and species differences that may arise from animal experiments. Meanwhile, as the experimental process is conducted in vitro, the potential risks to human health have also been reduced.

4、The application prospects of organ chips

1. New drug development: Organ chip technology has enormous potential for application in the field of new drug development. By simulating the physiological functions and microenvironment of human organs, the efficacy and safety of drugs can be more accurately evaluated. Meanwhile, organ chips can also be used for prioritizing candidate drugs, toxicity testing, and biomarker identification, providing strong support for new drug development.

2. Disease model construction: Organ chip technology can also be used to construct various disease models, such as tumor models, cardiovascular disease models, etc. These models can not only help scientists gain a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and pathological processes of diseases, but also provide new ideas and methods for disease diagnosis and treatment.

3. Personalized medicine: With the development of precision medicine, personalized medicine has become an important trend in future healthcare. Organ chip technology can establish various organoid pathological models on chips by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patients, and simulate and replicate disease processes in vitro. This helps doctors provide patients with more personalized treatment plans and medication choices.

5、Future prospects

1. Technological innovation and breakthroughs: With the continuous progress of micro nano processing technology, biomaterial science, stem cell technology and other fields, organ chip technology is expected to achieve more technological innovation and breakthroughs. For example, developing more complex microfluidic systems, optimizing cell culture conditions, and improving the integration and interactivity of multi organ chips will further enhance the simulation and application value of organ chips.

2. Standardization and normalization: With the continuous maturity of technology and the widespread promotion of applications, establishing a unified organ chip technology standard and specification will become an inevitable trend. This will help validate and compare experimental results between different laboratories, promoting standardization and normalization of technological development.

3. Interdisciplinary cooperation and integration: Organ chip technology involves knowledge and technology from multiple disciplinary fields. In the future, strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation and integration, combining research results and technological means from different fields, will promote the rapid development and widespread application of organ chip technology.

4. Clinical application and translation: With the continuous maturity and improvement of technology, organ chip technology is expected to play an important role in clinical applications. For example, by building personalized disease models to provide patients with more accurate treatment plans; By simulating the metabolic process of drugs in the human body, the accuracy and efficiency of drug screening can be improved. In addition, organ chip technology is expected to make significant breakthroughs and applications in fields such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

5. Improve the ethical and regulatory system: With the continuous development of organ chip technology, establishing a sound ethical review and regulatory system will become an important task. By formulating relevant regulations and policies, strengthening moral education and training, establishing regulatory mechanisms, and other measures, we ensure the healthy development of technology and the fulfillment of social responsibilities.

In short, organ chip technology, as one of the important tools for future medical and drug research and development, has broad development prospects and infinite possibilities. By simulating the structure and function of human organs, Emulate Bio open and flexible organ chip platform provides new solutions for drug development, disease model construction, toxicity testing, and other fields. In the future, while continuously promoting the development of organ chip technology, we need to strengthen technological innovation and breakthroughs, promote standardization and normalization, enhance interdisciplinary cooperation and integration, promote clinical application and translation, improve ethical and regulatory systems, and jointly promote the healthy development and social application of organ chip technology.

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